
Dominican geothermal project with promising initial drilling results

Dominican geothermal project with promising initial drilling results Iceland Drilling rig on site in Dominica, Caribbean (source: ISOR)
Alexander Richter 20 Mar 2012

The first initial exploration drilling results of the geothermal project in Dominica are reported to be promising. Icelandic firms ISOR and Iceland Drilling have been working on the drilling campaign since December 2011.

Reported locally about a week ago, the project partners working on the drilling, Icelandic drilling firm Iceland Drilling and exploration firm Iceland GeoSurvey have reported not some first exploration drilling results.

Both companies have been involved in the first exploration drilling on the Caribbean island state of Dominica since early December 2011. (reported here).

“Considerable research of the geothermal potential of the island has already been conducted, and there are hopeful signs that it can be harnessed.

Dominica has about 70 thousand inhabitants, but a large part of the islanders’ electricity is produced with diesel generators and 20-30% comes from hydroelectric power.

The drilling of the first geothermal well was finished about two weeks ago with good results. The well seems to have fairly good permeability and to be quite hot. This is a positive sign that there is exploitable geothermal energy in Dominica, and this first well could possibly be used for electricity production. Discharge testing of the well, which remains to be performed, will provide more detailed information about the potential for exploitation.

The plan is to drill three wells and Iceland Drilling has already started drilling of the second well. With 10 employees involved in the project on site and in Iceland, Iceland GeoSurvey geologists, engineers, logging specialists and geochemists are responsible for borehole geology, logging, sampling, environmental monitoring and general consulting. Iceland GeoSurvey also provides a logging truck and various other tools and equipment at the drill site.

In addition to the government of Dominica, the project is financed by the French Development Agency (ADF) and the European Development Fund (EDF).”

Source: ISOR