
Five geothermal projects under renewable energy funding program, Netherlands

Five geothermal projects under renewable energy funding program, Netherlands SDE+ allocations for renewable energy projects in the Netherlands 2018 - red dots are geothermal projects (source: SDE+)
Alexander Richter 11 May 2018

Five geothermal heating projects have been chosen under a EUR 6 billion renewable energy funding scheme in the Netherlands with a combined capacity of around 150 MW thermal.

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland – RVO) announced that it has allocated up to EUR 6 billion ($7.2 billion) in funding in the second round of its 2017 SDE+ (Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie) program for large-scale solar and renewable energy power projects.

As in most of previous recent rounds, solar had the largest share accounting for around 57.3% of all assigned capacity, followed by onshore wind, which had a 34.1% share thanks to a total of 1,137.8 MW of allocated power.

Overall, around 3,330 MW of renewable energy generation capacity was contracted through the round, including 149.4 MW of geothermal projects, 133.8 MW of biomass power plants and other minor renewables. A total of 4,215 renewable energy installations were ultimately selected in the round, of which 3,945 were solar power projects.

About EUR 2.32 billion was assigned to solar, EUR 2.76 billion to wind, and the rest – around EUR 920 million ($1.1 billion) to geothermal, biomass and other renewable energy technologies.

Geothermal energy represents 5 projects under the scheme with a combined planned capacity of 149.5 MW.

Geothermal projects that were chosen:

  • Amerlaan Geothermie B.V., depth>=500m – installed capacity 31.19 MWth – near Den Haag (The Hague)
  • ECW Geo Andijk B.V., 32.19 MW thermal – near Alkmaar
  • Hoogweg Aardwarmte B.V., 29.26 MW thermal
  • Ennatuurlijk B.V., depth >=500m, 20.63 MW thermal
  • Agriport Warmte B.V., 36 MW thermal

Additional information for geothermal in SDE+ 2018 round (pdf, Rekenvoorbeeld Geothermie SDE+ 2018 – pdf)

Source: PV Magazine, Map of projects, SDE+