
Women in Geothermal WING Open Award 2019 – Sean Keaney

Alexander Richter 31 Oct 2019

In this second piece we feature this year's winner of the Women in Geothermal (WING) 2019 WING Open award, Sean Keaney of Mercury Energy in New Zealand.

The 2nd annual Women in Geothermal (WING) Awards were presented to four deserving recipients at the September 2019 GRC Annual Meeting and Expo in Palm Springs, California. These awards are given each year to people selected by their peers for their commitment to the promotion, development and education of women in the geothermal industry. The winners were chosen because they embody WING’s four core values: Courageous, Empowering, Open, and Caring.

With this piece, we are featuring the second award.

OPEN: Sean Keaney, Mercury Energy

  • Be truthful and act with integrity
  • Be curious, work together and share experience
  • Promote and value diversity
  • Communicate in a precise way, give and accept constructive feedback
  • Bring up ethical issues and challenges immediately

As one of the original members of the WINGman Special Task Force, Sean is an ardent WING supporter. Using his own experience as a guide (he’s been on a quest to work better with his female team members for many years), he communicate frequently on gender equity and equality issues within Mercury Energy. Sean is always willing to share the reasons why he began questioning the status quo and enacting change, and his methods for ensuring that everyone at work is treated fairly and justly.

Sean is committed to helping his female team members rise through the ranks of Mercury Energy and pushes hard to make sure that gender equality is front and center in the minds of his operational colleagues and consultants. He actively identifies gender-biased language in contractor’s work materials, and ensures that trainers and external contractors are made aware of issues of inappropriate language or behaviours.

Sean is an open, honest and caring individual who exhibits behaviours worthy of any and every WINGman: empowering female colleagues, challenging ‘business as usual’ attitudes, ensuring that diversity and inclusion is a key component of his own management style, and promoting WING’s message among his firm’s management, staff and contractors.


More information about Women in Geothermal (WING) you can find on its website.