
Call for EOI – French Martinique, Caribbean deep geothermal for cooling

Call for EOI – French Martinique, Caribbean deep geothermal for cooling Place de la Savane, Martinique, Caribbean (source: flickr/ davidstanleytravel, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 24 Jul 2020

Under the leadership of ADEME in France, a call for expressions of interest has been issued for the development of a cooling network from deep geothermal resources in Martinique, French territory in the Caribbean.

The partners of the Territorial Energy Management Program (made up of ADEME, CTM, SMEM, EDF and DEAL) have launched, on July 7, 2020, two Calls for Expressions of Interest (AMI), bearing on the development of renewable energies in favour of the Energy Transition in Martinique, French territory in the Caribbean.

Develop renewable energies in favour of the Energy Transition

To succeed in its energy transition, Martinique must rely on its local energy resources.

Despite the constraints specific to the territory (insularity, climate, geography), our island has promising potential in renewable energies. In fact, the development of projects for the exploitation of these energies enabled us, in 2019, to achieve a 25% share of electricity production from renewable sources.

To achieve the objectives of the  Pluriannual Energy Programming  in terms of the use of renewable energies (55.6% of the electricity mix covered by renewable energies by 2023), the geothermal and hydroelectric sectors must be developed. By launching the two present AMIs, PMTCT wishes to encourage and support the emergence of initiatives in these areas.

By relying on the   Pluriannual Energy Programming, the PMTCT deals with questions of Energy Transition in Martinique as well on the strategy and the orientations as on the technical and financial support of the initiatives. Thus, the PMTCT is launching two AMIs in the fields of geothermal energy and hydroelectricity, in order to boost the development of these sectors in our territory.

The first AMI concerns geothermal energy and aims “to enhance the energy present in the subsoil of Martinique by the implementation of a cold distribution network for uses such as air conditioning or industrial processes on the Plain. du Lamentin ”.

The Geothermal Call

You are a community, an energy union, a private operator, a mixed company, or a public company and you want to carry out a structuring and innovative project in Martinique which meets the objectives of energy autonomy for the territory.

You can justify your ability to develop a >geothermal project from its conception to its operation (included , in particular on the technical, legal, financial, land and environmental aspects. You are associated with a competent structure if necessary.

Your project consists of the creation of a cold network from deep geothermal energy on the Plaine du Lamentin. For this, all the studies prior to the realization of such a project will be carried out within the framework of this AMI.

Its objective is to produce cold for industrial or air conditioning use: this use will be defined by you, with the support of ADEME and its partners. You are interested in the possibilities of crowdfunding. You will pay particular attention to environmental issues .

As part of this Call for Expressions of Interest, you can benefit from financial support to carry out technical studies (basement and surface feasibility study) and investments related to work with the Chaleur Fund. Communication, animation and training actions can also be supported depending on their relevance. You will also be able to benefit from the geothermal guarantee fund in the event of failure of the project following the drilling. More details can be found in the specifications.

Your project will be evaluated according to different criteria:

  • Technical value of the offer (understanding of the objectives, state of preliminary thinking, originality of the offer, ability to mobilize stakeholders (consumers, funders, etc.), reflection on the financial package, innovative and unifying nature, taking into account environmental aspects)
  • Qualification and knowledge of stakeholders (knowledge of deep geothermal energy, knowledge of the production and distribution of cold / heat, skills in project development, knowledge of the Caribbean context)
  • Taking into account the following issues: allowing the realization, on the territory, of collective and collaborative actions; present a well-argued environmental assessment; encourage innovative business models; promote the dissemination of new techniques or methods to save natural resources; take into account the competitive environment of the project and ensure satisfactory economic viability; promote the economic development of a territory and the creation of local jobs.

This call for projects is carried out within the Territorial Energy Management Program whose partners are DEAL, ADEME, CTM, SMEM and EDF.

Time plan:

  • Opening 07/10/2020 – 17:51 – Paris time
  • Closure 30/11/2020 – 17:00 – Paris time
  • Result announcement: 02/2021

Documents to be filed

You want to respond to one of these:

To respond to the MAIs, each file must be sent to the ADEME “Agir pour la Transition” platform. The links to access this platform, to respond to AMIs, are as follows:

AMI Geothermal:

AMI Hydroelectricity:

Source: Caraib Creole News