
Indonesian government urged to boost geothermal to reach COP21 commitment

Indonesian government urged to boost geothermal to reach COP21 commitment Traffic in Jakarta, Indonesia (source: flickr/ Joel Wiramu Pauling, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 17 Dec 2015

Indonesia government urged to seriously boost utilisation of renewable energy and in particular geothermal energy to fulfill the commitment of Indonesia to cut carbon emissions given at the recent COP21 meeting in Paris/ France.

“Speaker of the Commission VII of the House of Representatives of Indonesia (DOR) Kardaya Warnika urged the government to seriously boost the utilization of renewable energy, including geothermal. If not conducted, the commitment from President Joko Widodo at the Conference of Parties 21 (COP21) in Paris, to lower emission up to 29 percent of emission in 2030, will be hard to achieve.
“The government should perform various breakthroughs for the programs to be initiated,” he mentioned in a press release received in Jakarta, Wednesday (12/16/2016).
According to Kardaya, the current situation is not pleasing. The renewable energy market is not increasing and even declining. Aside from that, he continued, the programs to improve the market are not yet producing results.
“Even the ongoing contracts are stagnant, not signed,” he continued.
Such condition is concerning, as according to Kardaya, the increasing use of geothermal may become one of the measures to reduce emission. However, within the past year, there was no development on renewable energy.
“With the current condition, according to the Marshall model conducted by BPPT, Indonesia would most likely to reduce the emission rate at 10 percent. It is not as targeted, at 23 percent,” added Kardaya.
Within that context, Kardaya emphasized urgency from the government to conduct various breakthroughs. Not only on prices, but also other innovations supporting the development of renewable energy. If not, Indonesia will be lagged behind other countries.
Regarding the price, for example, Kardaya remained the government to apply Feed in Tariff (FIT). With such model, there will be a price guarantee and insurance for investors. “There was a concept of Feed in Tariff for geothermal, but it is not applied currently,” said Kardaya.
On the potential of geothermal contribution in reducing emission, it was addressed previously by the Director of the Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and Pacific (CCROM-SEAP), Professor Rizaldi Boer.
According to Rizaldi, if the government is serious in developing geothermal, it will be capable of reducing as much as 70 million tons of emission. The amount is equal to 20 percent of the government target or 29 percent from the 1.2 million giga tons of emission produced by Indonesia per year.”

Source: Metro TV News