
Lack of planning and transparency key in failed Hawaii geothermal bid

Lack of planning and transparency key in failed Hawaii geothermal bid Diamond Head, Honolulu, Hawaii, US (source: flickr/ snowpeak, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 16 Mar 2016

The company monitoring the bidding process for a geothermal RFP sees the main fault for the failure of it in lack of planning and transparency.

The company monitoring the geothermal bid process for the geothermal RFP in Hawaii sees the main blame for the failure of the process with Hawaiian Electric.

Boston Pacific Co., who handled the bidding process for the project raised some rather critical remarks in public documents that it sent to the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission.

It said that it “became apparent that during the course of the RFP process that [a] lack of planning was impeding the possibility of having a successful outcome for all parties.” The firm also noted that the “assumptions underlying the RFP were not transparent, did not support the type of resource being sought in the RFP and did not support the threshold price.”

“In summary, to some degree, it is possible that this RFP was doomed before it even began,” the Boston Pacific report said. “From the start, as we made clear, we could not state with certainty that there was a true need for an eastside geothermal resource and [that] the threshold price was realistic.”

Source: Biz Journals