
Energia Andina hopeful after initial studies for Banos del Toro site in Chile

Energia Andina hopeful after initial studies for Banos del Toro site in Chile Manifestación termal - Pampa Lirima, Chile (source: Energía Andina)
Alexander Richter 21 May 2013

Chilean geothermal developing company Energía Andina has been conducting geological, geochemical and geophysical studies, among others, in Baños del Toro and Pircados Hoyos, showing promising results.

Authorities from the Chilean Ministry of Energy along with geothermal development company Energía Andina recently toured the areas of Baños del Toro and Pircados Hoyos, both located at 3,500 meters above sea level. Both sites show great potential after initial surface exploration studies and based on water geochemistry an estimated temperature of 210 to 230 degrees celsius in Baños del Toro, and between 190 and 210 degrees celsius in Pircados Hoyos can be expected.

Edmundo Polanco from Energía Andina said “This indicates that there is something warm down there and if the optimum results are given, we could make the decision to start drilling next year.”

The intention would be to build a power plant and deliver the energy to the Central Interconnected System (SIC), taking into account that there already exists a transmission line where the plant will be located and access roads belonging to the mining company Barrick.

Source: Piensa En Geotermia