
Interconnection System for Central America could increase renewable energy development

Interconnection System for Central America could increase renewable energy development Berlin geothermal power plant of La Geo in El Salvador (source: Enex)
Francisco Rojas 24 Feb 2015

IRENA mentioned in a recent event that they expect that by 2020 some 7 GW of new energy and renewable capacity will be installed in the region

In a recent editorial post in a solar dedicated magazine, the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) and the regional organization for the Central American Integration System (SICA) have deepened their analysis of the possibilities and potential for development of renewable energy in Central America at an event on Thursday in El Salvador, were ministers and top officials met according to Irena.

Last May, Irena and SICA signed a memorandum of understanding to promote the development of renewable energy in Central America. One of the initiatives signed by both organizations is the 1,800 kilometer long Clean Energy Corridor expected to increase the use of renewables within the Electrical Interconnection System for the Countries of Central America (Siepac).

Irena expects that by 2020 some seven gigawatts of new energy and renewable capacity will be installed. “Central America has vast resources for hydro, biomass, geothermal, solar and wind. This could be used to help provide, cost efficient and sustainable clean solutions to meet the regional energy needs and support their development in each country” , said the CEO of Irena Adnan Z. Amin, as reflected in the statement. “This corridor concept is not new. A first implementation is already underway in electricity markets of eastern and southern Africa, promoting transnational renewable electricity trade” Amin stated and added that it relates to Central America by bringing benefits such as diversification of energy sources and reduced dependence on fossil fuels.

To read the full article, please follow the link below.

Source: PV Magazine