
Local opinion piece on need for public outreach for geothermal developers

Local opinion piece on need for public outreach for geothermal developers Diamond Head, Honolulu, Hawaii, US (source: flickr/ snowpeak, creative commons)
Francisco Rojas 6 Oct 2014

An opinion piece by Al Maiorino explores the opposition to geothermal development in Hawaii, the costly consequences and some possible solutions for this issue.

Energy is very expensive to produce in Hawaii; as a matter of fact, it is nearly “three times the US average” according to Mr Maiorino in a recent opinion piece. This is a surprising fact considering that the state has significant and vast amounts of geothermal potential that have yet to be utilized. This is due to a staunch opossiton to the development of new geothermal plants in the state by the local populace.

According to Mr Maiorino, “Objections to geothermal energy exploration and production in Hawaii stem in part from residents who would prefer not to live near a geothermal facility. These objectors are putting forth a “Not in My Backyard” (or NIMBY) argument that is prevalent for many types of energy proposals. Though geothermal energy generation is practically emission free, these opponents place more emphasis on misconceptions about negative land value adjustments, gas emissions, and odors rather than the state-wide benefits of inexpensive, local, sustainable power for all Hawaiians.”

The same writer proposes to address those who live in potential locations for geothermal plants and provide some effective clarification and dissipate any misunderstandings. “Whether a geothermal project is announced softly or through a detailed press conference, it is important from day one to lay out the facts of the proposal and present details about community benefits.”

In his opinion piece, he summarises the issue by stating that “Every groundbreaking industry is subject to a degree of skepticism that can be harnessed by opponents to prevent a disruption of the status quo. Hawaiian geothermal is no exception. Though opponents may be a minority of the population, they are influential enough to prevent geothermal from taking hold to end the era of high electricity rates and unsustainable importation of out-of-state energy sources. Hawaii sits atop a magnificent natural resource, but the geothermal industry will continue to run into opposition until the myths that have prevented further development are addressed. With strategic implementation of the preceding tactics, geothermal energy can be of great use to Hawaii, but first, the supportive voice must surface through the commotion created by the opposition.”

To Read the full article, please follow the link below:

Source: Environmental Leader