
Oil firm BP looking at geothermal investment in Indonesia

Oil firm BP looking at geothermal investment in Indonesia BP Gas Station in the U.S. (source: flickr/ simplerich, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 1 Jun 2012

British Petroleum (BP) is said to be looking at a participation in geothermal development in Indonesia, following meetings of the country's president with the CEO of BP Bob Dudley in Indonesia.

Reported earlier this week in unconfirmed news, British Petroleum (BP) is said to be taking part in geothermal development in Indonesia.

The country’s president has announced that “BP is in talks to agree to participate in the development of geothermal energy [projects] in Indonesia”.

There are not further details available to what extend BP is interested in entering the geothermal space, but it for sure would be good news for an industry short on cash.

Source: Live Trading News